In IB Physics First Assessment 2016, simple harmonic motion (SHM) is a subtopic of Topic 9, wave phenomena. This subtopic has the following understandings associated with it.

  1. The defining equation of SHM
  2. Energy changes

In this part of the analysis, I am particularly interested in “What is the frequency distribution of the questions concerning simple harmonic motion understandings?”

Frequency distribution of questions by simple harmonic motion understandings for HL

Between 1999-2023

The defining equation of simple harmonic motion was heavily emphasized for the entire dataset for HL. Energy changes was rarely assessed.


Figure 1

Between 2016-2023

Between these years, the emphasis on energy changes increased. Still, the defining equation of simple harmonic motion was heavily emphasized.


Figure 2

Where to go from here?

You may want to check out the other related subtopics:

  1. Simple harmonic motion
  2. Single-slit diffraction
  3. Interference
  4. Resolution
  5. Doppler effect

If you are interested in more detailed analyses of the topics:

  1. Measurement and uncertainties
  2. Mechanics
  3. Thermal physics
  4. Waves
  5. Electricity and magnetism
  6. Circular motion and gravitation
  7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
  8. Energy production
  9. Wave phenomena
  10. Fields
  11. Electromagnetic induction
  12. Quantum and nuclear physics

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